Saturday - Day 8

On Saturday, we woke up and got all our stuff packed up and downstairs, ready to load onto the vans. We had a quick breakfast at 7:30 and then had a time of debriefing from 8-9. We then loaded up the flatbed truck and waited for the other van to arrive. We made the very quick drive to the airport and began the process of checking 26 people through all the different checkpoints. Chu, Addi, John, Hannah, and Caleb had already left while Gina, Meredith, and Mackenzie were on a different flight. So, from 34, we were down to 26. Anyhow, we got people's bags checked, everyone paid their airport tax and we went upstairs to eat lunch in the food court. I think most everyone had McDonald's for lunch as it was that or some other restaurant that no one had heard of before. Then, we got everyone through security and my counting skills were tested (and failed as I only got to 25). Then, once at our gate, we had to go through yet more security and I counted (and found!) 26. Yay! We waited a bit and then loaded up the plane. Once in Miami, we all had to go through U.S. customs and had a bit of trouble with Lynn A's bag, but Beverly, Nathan, and Lynn handled it and we got them through it all and they even had time to eat. We all ate dinner during our layover and then headed back to Dallas on our last flight. We arrived in Dallas at 10:00pm and all headed to our homes. It was great time with the Lord and watching Him move in the hearts and lives of the Honduran people. Praise Him for all He did in Honduras this week through us. It was my great privilege to be part of His work.

~Allison James


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